Saturday, May 28, 2011

happy mothers

happy mothers. Happy Mothers Day Belief
  • Happy Mothers Day Belief

  • Slix
    Apr 22, 11:48 AM
    Awesome. I want a current MBA, but they're a tad too much right now. This will lower those prices.

    happy mothers. Happy Mothers Day
  • Happy Mothers Day

  • macsnjets
    Sep 12, 02:18 PM
    Now what do I do, I've been waiting since Christmas and this is what I get..UGGGHHHH ? Where is my widescreen iPod Steve ?

    happy mothers. happy mother.
  • happy mother.

  • Surely
    Apr 20, 10:08 AM
    It *is* private now. This information isn't broadcast anywhere but your own personal computer in the form of an encrypted backup file. The information won't go anywhere but with you and your property.

    However, if your iphone gets stolen, the GPS log is likely the least private thing you need to worry about. The thief will have access to your entire contact list, browsing history, etc..

    The backup file isn't encrypted unless you select that option.

    This database of your locations is stored on your iPhone as well as in any of the automatic backups that are made when you sync it with iTunes. One thing that will help is choosing encrypted backups, since that will prevent other users or programs on your machine from viewing the data, but there will still be a copy on your device.

    The data is actually collected by cell tower triangulation, not GPS.

    The data appears to come from cell tower triangulation, rather than the GPS chip from:

    happy mothers. Happy Mother#39;s Day |
  • Happy Mother#39;s Day |

  • andi242
    Apr 22, 05:53 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; de-de) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    what if this is the wireless sync everybody is asking for? why limit wireless sync to iOS devices?

    happy mothers. Happy Mother#39;s Day | Swagcode
  • Happy Mother#39;s Day | Swagcode

  • Hattig
    Mar 29, 01:05 PM
    Actually there is still annoyances with that. While you can run two instances of Excel they still use a weird MDI interface if you are just double clicking to open files. A nightmare if you have dual monitors, and still not fixed in Office 2010.

    That's just appalling, and a classic example of failing to provide a consistent user interface paradigm to users. In this case: a window == a document. It winds me up in Office 2003 and and to hear you still need to faff around opening with a new instance simply shocks me.

    happy mothers. happy mothers day pictures.
  • happy mothers day pictures.

  • aloshka
    Apr 4, 12:00 PM
    Seems unfair to kill someone for robbery. Yes they're breaking the law, but only deserve a prison sentence. Do you really really think someone should be shot and killed for attempting to steal a few laptops and smash a few windows? If you do then man you have issues.

    Well if there are no real consequences to carrying a gun, and shooting it at guards since I might only be facing jail time, it sounds like criminals should try more often. I mean hell, that's a big safety net, they should have tried banks better pay off and they can try multiple times since the only consequence is possible jail time.

    happy mothers. Happy Mother#39;s Day Card. jpg
  • Happy Mother#39;s Day Card. jpg

  • Eidorian
    Jul 14, 01:19 PM
    To all you G5/PPC fanboys:'ve seen worse with that tag line. Much, much worse. :eek:

    happy mothers. happy mothers day pictures.
  • happy mothers day pictures.

  • nagromme
    Oct 12, 02:09 PM
    A lot of charity products COST more--you are simply making a donation yourself--but apparently this is Apple making the donation at no cost to you?

    Plus, a red aluminum iPod nano with iPod mini styling is pretty much my dream iPod.

    In that case, I was wondering why the 25% negative votes?

    I will make a blind guess without reading the thread. "The team who designed the red color should have been working on a Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro instead, stupid Apple :mad: "

    happy mothers. Happy Mother#39;s Day
  • Happy Mother#39;s Day

  • Temporal
    Apr 20, 12:01 PM
    Don't rely on encryption to protect you in any way. The police can crack it, as can hackers, and they can simply demand with a court order that you give them the password. Then you're forced to essentially testify against yourself. No, pleading the 5th won't help.

    That's actually not true in any case I have read about. You can't compel encryption passwords.

    happy mothers. Happy Mother#39;s Day!
  • Happy Mother#39;s Day!

  • aristobrat
    Sep 4, 09:03 PM
    Exactly! I think other potential twists would include a video Airport Express with a built-in TV tuner (to stream tv content back to your iMac/Mac Pro for recording, or an optional built-in HD for local storage when you don't have your Mac on or something.
    I'd be surprised if Apple did anything with TV tuners.

    With the variety of TV services that people have (analog cable, digital cable, satellite TV, Verizon's TV over fiber, terrestrial HDTV), coming up with a device that can tune most folks TV doesn't sound easy, even for Apple.

    happy mothers. Happy Mother#39;s Day Cake
  • Happy Mother#39;s Day Cake

  • Renverse
    Apr 17, 01:05 PM
    McAfee is irrelevant, even for Windows users. They call themselves experts but their software just brings ANY computer to a grinding halt.

    Anyone remember this: ?


    happy mothers. happy mothers.
  • happy mothers.

  • Sodner
    Mar 22, 02:12 PM
    Pity they didn't slim down the iMac by choppin' the chin (assuming this rumor is true). Can't wait to see what they release. The old "smaller iMac" rumor priced for the "mass market" kept me interested in the next iMac update--hope to see something trimmed for the "mass market".

    Figured iMacs would update in April.

    Like the chin the way it is but I am hoping for the "mass market price point" iMac. If not, the 21" goes to the family room and I get a 27". :)

    happy mothers. happy mothers day.
  • happy mothers day.

  • miketcool
    Sep 4, 06:55 PM
    Sounds more viable for video then a 3 inch screen on a portable hard drive.

    happy mothers. Funny Happy Mothers Day
  • Funny Happy Mothers Day

  • bigandy
    Sep 26, 07:58 AM
    I hope you will be able to by it 'sim free' in the uk, im not buying it if it an O2 exclusive and this will make me sad

    you will, just keep an eye on and when (if) it's announced...

    happy mothers. Happy mother#39;s day mom
  • Happy mother#39;s day mom

  • marc11
    Apr 25, 01:24 PM
    This, if it and Ivy Bridge, lower SSD prices/larger capacities come to fruition solidify my decision to stay with my 2010 and wait for the 2012 refresh.

    happy mothers. Happy Mother#39;s Day.jpg
  • Happy Mother#39;s Day.jpg

  • peas
    Oct 12, 08:04 PM
    well here's the kicker for the fools who fall for these gimmicks.
    you can donate directly and it's a tax write off as a charitable contribution.
    or, you can buy the same boring lollipop, in 10 different colors, and see this 5% go towards the charity which apple will gladly pony up as it will benefit them after their returns and reports are done.

    so i gotta ask, why bother justifying your purchase as "good will"?
    why not just call a spade a spade and say...durr durr durrr?

    happy mothers. funny happy mothers day poems.
  • funny happy mothers day poems.

  • twoodcc
    Sep 26, 10:48 AM
    well since i already have cingular, then this doens't bother me. bring it on :cool:

    happy mothers. Happy Mothers Day
  • Happy Mothers Day

  • TigerBabe
    Apr 25, 01:42 AM
    OP you seem like you are nothing but spoiled know-it all brat. You probably won't stop until you kill someone on the road. :mad::mad::mad:

    happy mothers. happy mothers day funny. happy
  • happy mothers day funny. happy

  • cult hero
    May 3, 03:07 PM
    "Apple OSX" and "3rd party device drivers" defines a place that is not a "happy place"

    No. No it's not.

    Apr 14, 01:27 PM
    It's pretty funny that people think that TB is designed to replace USB and therefore competing against it. Saying that is like suggesting that PCIe and DP are competing against USB, because that's what TB is. If your computer doesn't have USB 3.0 and you want it, what do you plug the USB 3.0 controller card into? PCIe of course... how is USB 3.0 competing with the thing it plugs into???

    Intel announcing that their future chipsets will support TB and USB 3.0 is great news. It makes a monitor (connected to a computer through a single cable) with a USB 3.0 dock possible and it means all Intel based PCs will ship with TB standard.

    TB isn't there to replace USB mice. It's there to provide high speed access to raid arrays, enable universal docking stations with a full array of ports (think USB, eSata, HDMI, audio, etc) connected to a computer through a single cable, and allow laptops to better utilize external graphics cards. The possibilities of extending the PCIe bus outside of the computer are limitless, I can't wait to see what people dream up (especially as speeds ramp up).

    USB and TB are largely complimentary. One exception is external hard drives of course and TB is far superior in that aspect (theres a reason raid controllers are plugged into PCIe). Why people are opposed to this is beyond me.

    Apr 28, 07:30 PM
    Really? I mean really? Zune? You forgot to write down Vista too kid. LOL!

    Vista still has a larger market share then OSX.

    Apr 13, 04:11 AM
    Actually, he is right. The two use different protocols when streaming. The video portion of AirPlay is done differently and does not require the private key. It just employs setting up a "server" whenever its being utilized. I have it set up on XBMC, and it works just as it would on an AppleTV.

    The audio portion, that requires the key, has finally brought it full-circle. Can't wait to have it on my XBMC box.

    I never said the audio and the video didn't work differently, what I said was AirTunes no longer exists. AirPlay contains what was AirTunes. Apple no longer use the label 'AirTunes' anywhere. only talks about AirPlay for instance. The iTunes streaming button is now called AirPlay too.

    AirPlay video simply sends a URL to the video resource to the other device, and the other device plays the file at the URL which is served by the host. AirPlay audio uses the RAOP protocol.

    There isn't a misprint in the article title as the poster claimed - the AirTunes moniker doesn't exist anymore

    Mar 22, 02:29 PM

    I just got the wife's approval to replace our satellite subscription with a mac-mini media center. If the mac mini is going to be updated within a couple of months, I'll wait for it.

    Wife said Yes

    Sep 5, 01:26 PM
    My question is, will the movies have subtitles/captioning. As a hearing impaired user, that's the deal breaker for me. If they do have captioning, I can see myself purchasing a few movies once in a while (Though I'd still rather have DVDs most of the time). If not, no way.

    I've been wondering this ever since the TV shows started coming out. And it's not only a big problem for hearing impaired users... it also means that you can't watch foreign films in the original language.

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